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TMRA State Rally 2011 in City Park a success

By Christine Tandy Perkins, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture

There were over 471 participants in this weekend’s TMRA State Rally held in the Comanche City Park.

Early estimates figure that participants had a direct investment of over $90,000 in Comanche. Long term investment figures will show a indirect investment of well over $630,000, based on the times seven multiply effect, in Comanche.

Texas Motorcycle Roadriders Association State Rally in Comanche this weekend

By Christine Tandy Perkins, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture

The Texas Motorcycle Roadriders Association 2012 State Rally will be held in Comanche on Friday, April 13 through Sunday, April 15. This event draws over 300 bikers from the state to the Comanche City Park.

While here, the groups invest in our community by shopping locally, visiting our historic downtown and other historic locations, and they raise money locally for the Comanche Volunteer Fire Department.

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