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Vendor Information

The fee for a 10' x 10' vendor space is $50. The fee for a 10' x 20' vendor space is $75. Each additional 10' x 10' space required will cost an additional $25. To assure a Vendor Space with appropriate hook ups, application and payment must be received before TBA.

Check-in and setup see flyer.

TMRA State Rally Vendor Application

Rally dates, April 12-14, 2024

On site RV parking $25 for weekend; Contact CMS

Vendor to donate one(1) item for the Silent Action.

DISCLAIMER: TMRA does not guarantee any vendor any amount of sales, nor is it responsible for theft, loss of or damage to property. Vendors understand they sell at their own risk and TMRA will not assume any loss by any Vendor before, during or after the event.

Click to down load & print Vendor Application to mail in

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